Trusted Health
San Francisco, California
Trusted Health is a travel nurse and allied health professional job marketplace for traveling roles. They aim to match healthcare professionals with jobs where they're needed across the United States. We began working together when they wanted to re-align and update voice and tone to match the approachable, fresh tone of the brand overall. After developing a consistent voice and writing their internal guide, we worked together on marketing campaigns where I provided copy only. 
Franki has completed multiple projects for us now with success and ease. We worked to unify our brand messaging to provide a cohesive voice and tone across all channels with the help of Franki. She assisted in our Nurses Week campaign to help set the tone for our fun and bold campaign. Not only did she help standardize our voice/tone and messaging but she provided copy that was engaging and aspirational. She also helped with our Holiday Campaign, our first campaign where a copywriter was writing for each individual channel to provide cohesion across each one (social, community, lifestyle, landing page, growth). This was a huge success with the help of Franki. She absolutely crushed it. The channels were pleased with the unified copy and content library Franki was able to provide so they could easily post and get their job done successfully. I will always recommend Franki! She is easy to work with, has a positive attitude and conquers things with such knowledge and efficiency. She can turn the dial on any brand's voice/tone to meet your needs and provide final copy that moves the needle for your brand. I look forward to working with her again! Thank you thank you!
Feedback from Makayla Virden, Associate Creative Director
Holiday Campaign
Using the theme "Celebrate Big" the holiday campaign in 2023 aimed to be non-denominational while evoking an uplifting, end-of-year celebration. For this campaign, I wrote and formatted copy for various social media uses especially around giveaways. 

On-graphic copy for a virtual event

On-graphic copy for a virtual event

Nurse's Week
Nurse's Week is an annual, industry-wide event. For 2023, the goal was to evoke celebration while mentioning the benefit of a traveling lifestyle. For this campaign, I wrote copy for a landing page, Google ads, and a four-part email series. 
Google Ads for Nurse's Week
Allied Health Professionals Week
For 2023, Trusted Health wanted to use this annual celebration event to emphasize their inclusion of a large variety of allied health professional roles in the job marketplace without overshadowing a celebratory tone. For this campaign, I wrote a landing page and provided some multi-use ad and social copy. 

New Feature Announcement: Auto Apply
For their announcements and marketing for new feature Auto Apply, I wrote Google ads and social media content, including copy for a static slideshow-style TikTok video. ​​​​​​​

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