New Milford Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice is a non-profit health care agency providing in-home care, hospice, and public health care. New Milford VNA & Hospice formed in 1918 to respond to the worldwide flu epidemic and continues to provide Medicare Certified and State of Connecticut licensed care. 
New Milford VNA & Hospice needed a new set of promotional brochures to advertise their services to family members and health providers alike. We approached the campaign with a reliance on impactful, emotional photography with design motifs built to frame and highlight those images. With their brand color palette, I created a simple, clean photo frame that would provide breathing space around the images and a space to host their logo without background clutter. 
Compared to their prior design, this new campaign was sleek and modern with less information and graphics to communicate their ideas directly. Throughout the editing process, I explained each step and adjustment to not only complete the design, but to communicate why the design works. 

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